Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday: The Most Dangerous Day

Everybody and their mother knows you dont train hard on Friday, the day before a race. 
But a lot of runners will overtrain on Thursday if left on their own. 
Thursday is the most dangerous day of the week. 

Marty Stern, Villanova women's coach

 Your legs are feeling pretty good. You probably ran a few miles this week where you could feel that PR coming.  You might have even convinced yourself that the hills won't be too bad. McMillian told you that you're on track. You've got your splits all set in your mind. You're ready. 

The mystery of race day lures us all to run.  Will you perform like you should? Will you psych yourself out before you even get there? What if that chick that always nips you at the line is there? You should consider the weather and all it's glorious complexities: the dew point, the wind, the barometric pressure, the solar gain. Should I eat a bagel, drink coffee, or just water before the race? 

If you get all the pieces correct, if the planets align, and if you don't have an urgent case of the trots at the start, then you get the pleasure of pounding your body for 10 miles. 10 miles of pain. 10 miles until glory. 

Happy Thursday! 

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