We have likely done a poor job of getting out all the information in an organized way. And this isn't going to be any better.
But let's see. Before we go any further, check to see if your answer may be found Here. And now we'll try to answer your questions. These are actual questions.
Question: Your registration link does not work, where can I register?
Answer: Try this one.
Question: Can I get a discount?
Answer: Yes, if you register before September 18th, the date the price goes up. Or, if you contact me and make special arrangement to enter a large
group or team all at once.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: $30. now, $35 later (9/18/10 and
Q: Is there really roadkill on the road?
A: Well, no, we don't put any extra roadkill out there, but there could be some.
Q: I won't be able to make it. Can I have a refund?
A: No. But you can transfer the number to someone else for a $5. processing fee.
Q: I know someone who makes t-shirts. Maybe you should make t-shirts. Would you?
A: No. We offer a steel cup. It's like the Stanley Cup, or the World Cup, but more easily obtained without getting arrested.
Q: Can't you afford t-shirts?
A: T-shirts are less expensive than what we offer, which is a steel cup you can use every day.
Q: Why is it called a foot-race?
A: Because you are only allowed to compete on foot.
Q: Can I push a stroller?
A: Not recommended. At all. Please don't at this race. If you must, send me an e-mail or give me a call, and we can discuss it.
Q: Can I roller-blade?
A: No, it is a foot-race.
Question: Can I bike?
A: No, it is a foot race.
Q: Did someone really ask that?
A: Yes, someone really asked this.
Q: Is there a wheelchair division?
A: Wheelchairs are not recommended, but you could send me an e-mail or give me a call, and we can discuss it.
Q: How do you all run so far?
A: I think it has to do with this diagram. (below) I am not sure. Practice?
A: Yes.
Q: Is this a joke?
A: No. Run our ten-mile foot race, and you will see it is not a joke.
Q: What if we don't bring our own race bibs?
A: We have thick sharpies for you. You can write on your numbers, tri-style. Or we can do it for you.
Q: Seriously?
A: Yes, seriously.
Q: Can I just run part of it?
A: That would be cheating. We will send you to this ==>
doctor after your fellow runners take you out.
Q: Is it hilly?
A: Yes.
Q: Can we walk?
A: Yes, and you probably will, even if you weren't planning on it. Run or walk, your choice. No penalty. It would be a much more enjoyable walk than it will be a run!
Q: Will it be hot?
A: Probably not. But it could be.
Q: You should make it a 15k.
A: It's ten miles.
Q: Is there a fun run?
A: No - there is one run, and it is not fun.
Q: Will we be eating roadkill?
A: I hope not! We won't be serving any roadkill. For dinner.
Q: What time does it start?
A: 8:00am
Q: Are either of you racing it?
A: No, we'll be busy with race stuff.
Check back here later if you want to see more questions and answers. I will post all of your questions.
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