Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Something Stupid

Small announcement: I'm going to attempt something stupid this weekend. Saturday. This should prove to be a foolhardy attempt at either killing my running, or boosting my low motivation. I'll start at noon and run the 6 hours, that's all. All I want to do is run for six hours, that's the only real goal. If I can run for six hours, I'll probably get a nice long run in. If not, I'll still get a long run, and then a long walk.

Anyhow, I know it's stupid. I'm admittedly not in the best shape, but I'll go do it anyway. 6 hours is not quite as pointless as running on a one-mile concrete circle for 12 or 24 hours, though. So there's that.

Why am I doing it? Couldn't tell you. Originally, I had some stupid idea about running a bit over 52.44 miles, just to say I did it. But I don't think I am in that kind of shape right now.

Anyhow, come out to the Bluff Creek Park just north of Lake Hefner and you can watch me, and a bunch of other people who are similarly mad, run a few laps. I am hoping for hecklers after the first 3 hours. Not sure how I'll keep running, otherwise. Heckle, jeer, threaten, anything.


  1. Go for it!!!

    I saw it on the Oklahoman's website... maybe someday.

    Until then, I got my first 10K coming up on the 30th in OKC.

    After that, I think it will be time to start training for the OKC Memorial Half-Marathon.

  2. You may call it stupid, but I was rather impressed by your performance. Although I have to admit it was a little disheartening to watch you lap me as many times as you did. Great job. Hope your feet feel better today. P.S. Thank you for the motivation. Pete R.
