Before you ask, the answer is yes. It is real. It is roadkill. For real. And someone had to clean it up. This time, it was me. And yes, there is more where that came from. Does anyone know the animal? Let me know if you think you do.
There will be some unique trophies for this race. There will be some unique prizes. Some are desirable, others are questionable.
So far, this race has seemed to appeal more strongly to women. That is interesting to me. Are the men not up to the challenge of a hilly race? Are the men only interested in a "PR" course? Men just care about the numbers? Perhaps the response speaks more to women's competitive nature. Is that right? We'd like to nurture that nature. The response thus far has inspired us to up the ante. Our race flyers say that the prizes are stacking. Let us explain.
If you are a masters woman, (45+ in the rules of this race,) and you come in third overall, and first woman, you will win the cash associated with third place open PLUS the cash associated with first place woman. In addition, you will receive the trophy for first place woman. In other words, the cash prizes are stacking. Guys, if you get "chicked," she'll win your prize-money. If you get "geezered," you will lose your prize-money. Everyone is competing with everyone. We do not expect there to be an overlap, but you never can tell. You might want to tell the fast women you know that there is the a chance to win a substantial prize for less than an hour's work. It could be the biggest payday in running in Oklahoma. We'll let you know as we get closer to the race.
There is a caveat, however. All trophies go to separate individuals. If a 45 year old man wins 3rd overall, he will receive the cash for 3rd overall and the trophy for third overall. The next fastest man 45 and older will then be the recipient of the first place master's trophy.
There will be a lot more prizes and awards than those, though. We have found an awful lot of stuff on the road this year. We plan to give it to you! We have surely observed over 400 empty cans of beer carelessly tossed out the window along the route. But it doesn't seem fair to give away an empty can now, does it? A chilled keg might be a better award. You might not like beer, though. You might like golf. Or smoking. Or transmissions. Or hubcaps. Or fine furs. Or scrap lumber. Or oil. We are not sure. Regardless, we have seen it all on the road and we will find a way to give it away. If we catch you running fast up a gruesome hill, or taking the time to smile at and encourage your fellow runner, or you are especially tough in any way, or you are just a random runner having fun, we'll let you know we appreciate your efforts. There's even an extra-special prize for the last finisher under 2 hours. We call this one "The Roadkill." You might not want to get that prize, though.